Miscellaneous » Our Program » Health and Wellness Center

Health and Wellness Center

Refugio High School has supports and services available that are centered on the whole student academically, physically, and mentally. Students can access these additional services and supports via our Health and Wellness Center. 
Health and Wellness Center

Welcome to the SYVUHSD Health and Wellness Center!
Our Vision:
To provide the SYVUHSD community with education, resources and support to
encourage lifelong health and wellness.
Our Mission:
To offer our school community equal access to on-site and on-line wellness
services with the goal of achieving academic and personal success for our high
school students.
We support or services in the following areas:
• Academic
• Attendance
• Mentoring
• Skills Groups
• Counseling (Individual, Grief and Drug/Alcohol Referrals)
• Restorative Circles
• Mediation Activities
• Parent Education Classes
• Health and Wellness Information
• Community Agency Linkages
• Healthy Snacks
All services are available in English and Spanish. The HWC is in the main
administration building in room A3 (next to the Guidance Center).
Referral Forms: 
If you are a parent/guardian and interested in services for yourself or your child,
please click the referral link below:

English: Parent Referral

Spanish: Parent Referral Espanol

If you are a student and interested in services for yourself, please click the referral
link below: Student Referral

If you are a staff member and would like to refer a student for services, please
click the referral link below: Staff Referral
For more information or to get involved, contact: Claudia Peña, Health and
Wellness Coordinator (805) 688-6487 ext. 3270, [email protected]